Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Lower Back Pain

What to Do About Lower Back Pain

Four out of five adults will experience a bout of back pain at some time in their lives. You can ward off back problems by following the simple steps listed below. Even if you've injured your back before, you can learn techniques to help you avoid recurrent injuries. The good news is that most episodes of back pain last only a short time, and less than one percent of back problems require surgery.

Back pain can occur for no apparent reason and at any point on your back. Lack of muscle tone and excess weight commonly cause and aggravate back pain. Poor posture adds stress too. When you slouch or stand with a swayback, you exaggerate your back's natural curves. Any imbalance can stress muscles and joints, causing fatigue and injury from overuse.

From the simple backache to more serious back problems, common sources of pain include: muscle strains and spasms, sciatica, osteoporosis, injuries and accidents, and fibromyalgia.

Home Remedies

1. Rest
Lie on your side on a firm mattress with a pillow between your knees, or lie on your back with you feet up on a chair or with a pillow under you knees.

2. Ice
Ice can reduce pain and swelling. Immediately after any injury, apply ice several times a day but for no longer than twenty minutes at a time. Put ice in a plastic bag and wrap the bag in a thin cloth to keep a barrier between your skin and the ice.

3. Medication
Use over-the-counter anti-inflammatory medicines (like Ibuprofen or Advil) to reduce inflammation or use pain relievers like Tylenol (acetaminophen).

4. Exercise
Patients should begin mild aerobic exercise such as aerobic walking (preferably on grass or other softer surfaces) and stationary biking as tolerated. Exercise keeps the muscle tone intact and increases blood supply to the affected area. If sitting for a long period of time, get up and move around periodically and stretch.

Prevent Back Problems By...

Correcting Daily Posture

 When you sit, use a chair with lumbar support and a firm seat. While driving, have the seat close to the steering wheel. Keep knees flexed as much as possible and keep the seat tipped back slightly.
Don't stand or walk bending forward, and use leg muscles to lift and carry. Do not overload your back with a heavy pack, and make sure the weight is evenly distributed on both shoulders.
Don't slouch! Imagine a string is pulling you up from the top of your head, keep your core slightly engaged, knees slightly bent, and your tailbone tucked in.

Correcting Sleeping Posture

If you are sleeping in a position that puts undue stress on your back, it will have lasting effects, since your back is in this position for 6-9 hours every night. The positions with the least amount of stress on your back, as mentioned above, are on your side with a pillow positioned between your legs (to prevent you from rolling over onto your stomach and to help take the pressure off your spinal column) or on your back (firm bed) with a pillow under the knees.

For persistent pain, get professional care. In rare cases, back pain can signal serious medical problems. Contact your doctor immediately if your back pain is the result of a fall or blow to your back. Also, be on the look out for weakness or numbness in one or both legs.

If you've tried home remedies for several weeks but still have pain, your doctor may be able to pinpoint the source of your pain and may refer you to a physical therapist that can help you in several ways, including teaching you exercises that can help you stretch, strengthen, and protect your back.


Student Health Center. Lower Back Pain [Brochure]. Rexburg, Idaho: Brigham Young University- Idaho

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