Now that summer is almost here, people are getting out and exercising more often. Exercise can have substantial health benefits, such as prolonging our lives, improving our immune system, and boosting our energy. While exercise is good for us it can be harmful if not done correctly. No matter if you are a recent participant in exercise or a master athlete, there will always be risk for injury. When faced with a goal or deadline that is near, we
often push ourselves too hard or fast, which can potentially result in injury. While there will always be a risk for injury, you can
still take precautions to prevent them from happening.
Tips for Preventing Injury
- Set Realistic Goals: You cannot lose fifty pounds in two weeks, so set goals that challenge but can actually be achieved.Additionally, be specific with your goals instead of
being vague or unclear. Eg: “I plan to run a mile in less than seven minutes
this week.” instead of “I want to improve my mile time.”
- Don't Overdo It: This most common cause of injury is pushing yourself too much. Instead of just jumping in a lifting 150 lbs, work your way up to it. Start at a low intensity and gradually increase it with each workout.Use the 10% rule when working out—do not increase your training load such as time, intensity, or distance by more than 10% each week
- Pay Attention to any Pain: "Feel the burn, love the burn", "no pain, no gain" we often hear these said while working out and while we should feel some burning and maybe slight pain while working out pay attention. If the pain is continuous or occurs in the chest of neck area this is not beneficial. General muscle soreness is fine but it may indicate that you are not warming up sufficiently or you are exercising too long/strenuously.
- Control Your Movements: Keep you movements under control. Anything that is rapid or jerky movement can result in an unwanted injury. If you cannot keep control of your movements, slow things down and exercise at a more moderate pace.
- Watch Your Form: Poor form and posture during a specific exercise can result in a torn or strained muscle along with damage to your joints.By keeping your back aligned and straight, knees at the correct angle for movements, and tucking your buttocks, you can prevent injury. These are most important if lifting above your head, jumping, or squatting.
- Don't Bounce While Stretching: "Ballistic" stretching is when you bounce in and out of a stretched position. While it is thought to be beneficial to your flexibility, it can also increase your chance of muscle tears and soreness. Switch out ballistic for static stretches to prevent these injuries. Static stretching, in which you gradually stretch to a
full range of movement, will help loosen muscles without straining them. It is also important to warm up before you start stretching. This can be done with a brisk walk or light jog.
- Use Good Footwear: Wearing improper shoes that are worn out, do not fit right, or provide no support can add stress to your hips, ankles, and feet. This is where the majority of sports injuries occur. Choose shoes that are fitted to you and replace them when they become worn out.
- Go Low Impact: Try to stick with the gliding or marching motion that is not as hard on your joints versus the jolting up and down movements. This can protect your back, calves, shins, ankles, and knees from injury.
- Drink Up: Keep hydrated and replace any fluids that you may have lost during a workout. If your are working out in any hot weather this is especially important to keep from over heating. Heatstroke can be extremely dangerous. Even if you are not thirsty try to drink a gulp or two of water in between intervals.
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