Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Smalls Steps to a Healthier Lifestyle

      "By all measures, America’s weight problem has grown to epidemic proportions. Only tobacco poses an equally large, potentially reversible, long-term threat to our country’s health and well-being". Cardiovascular disease is an epidemic that can be easily prevented. It just takes us to put forth some effort to make little choices throughout our day that help with our physical health. With our hectic lives sometimes it is difficult to head to the gym or make sure that we get a fully balanced and healthy meal. We tend to sacrifice our good health to get our other daily tasks done. Provided are some small steps that you can do throughout your day that can help you achieve health and wellness but not fall behind on your work load. 

Simple Things to Add to you Daily Routine

  • Take the stairs: Taking the stairs is one way to be more physically active. At work, employees are often presented with a choice between taking the stairs and taking an elevator or escalator. Choosing the stairs instead of the elevator is a quick way for people to add physical activity to their day. 
  • Walk or Bike: If your destination is just a short way walk or bike instead of drive.
  • Park farther away: By parking farther away from the store or office you will be able to add a little more exercise to your day without taking up too much time. 
  • Go for a walk: During your lunch break, in the morning, or at night go for a short walk for ten to twenty minutes this will help you stretch your legs and get some exercise as well as help you refocus on your work.  
  • Stand: When standing you burn more calories and it helps stretch your back and legs. Try to stand as often as you can or take a few minutes and walk down the hall or stand at your desk to raise you heart rate and get the blood flowing. 
  • Workout while you watch: We all love our shows and movies. While you are watching do some stretches or little workouts while you watch. Run up and down the stairs, do push ups, squats, or plank during commercial breaks. 
  • Fit in a quick workout: Before you hop in the shower do a little ten minute workout that gets your heart rate up. Or do some stretches or yoga before you go to bed. 
  • Get a good nights rest: By getting a good nights rest you will be more likely to eat better foods and have more energy to be active the next day. 
  • Prepare meals and portion them out: Do this with meals before hand so that when you are in a hurry you can grab and go but still make sure you eat right and get the nutrients that you need. 
  • Eat before you shop: When shopping on a full stomach it will help you make smart and healthy foods instead of high calorie foods containing sugars and fats. 
  • Learn about food: Spend a little time to get to know nutrition. Learn what foods have nutritionally so that you can learn to make smart choices when eating.
       When these small steps are taken frequently and multiple times throughout the day it adds up. You can be surprised how just a few minutes can make a big difference. The key to living a healthy fit life style is to keep moving. The more you move and are active you will notice that you are more proactive and begin to have an overall better health and wellness. 

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